Gremlins 2 Movie Cards no. 19 - Microwave Marge

Gremlins 2 Movie Cards no. 19 - Microwave Marge
Gremlins 2 Movie Cards no. 19 - Microwave Marge

  • Great condition
  • Part of a series of 88 cards and 11 stickers.
  • Glossy front and matt cardboard finish on back. 
  • Made by The Topps Company Inc. in 1990
  • 2.5" wide x 3.5" long
Microwave Marge

Veteran screen comedienne Kathleen Freeman plays ebullient, shock-haired TV cook Microwave marge, whose kitchen the stomping ground of trouble-hungry Gremlins. Freeman's first screen appearance was 1948's THE NAKED CITY; she since appeared in ten of Jerry Lewis' films. 
Your Price$1.00
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